Wednesday 15 April 2009

Stampin' and printin' goodness

Today was a near disaster work-wise, but just as I reached my lowest ebb I decided on the spur of the moment to check my local college for adult evening classes in printmaking - specifically silk-screen printing, but any kind of "introduction to printmaking" would have satisfied me. Imagine my utter delight when I saw this:

Screen Printing and other Print Techniques with Bill Balleny

Tuesdays 6:30 to 9:00 pm 

There are many different ways to make a print - screen prints, linocuts, woodblocks, collagraphs, etching, drypoints and monoprints. For beginners, a practical demonstration will be given of the various print techniques in the first session. Students will be encouraged to experiment with their own ideas and printmaking techniques and above all, to have fun! This course is open to all levels from beginners to experienced printmakers. You will need to bring drawing implements, sketchbooks and plenty of imagination and ideas. For those wishing to pursue photo screenprinting/etching a small charge will be made for photographic stencils. Additional cost of £8.00 per term for materials.

10 Weeks from 21/04/2009

YES!!! Exactly what I was looking for, and not only that, it starts on Tuesday! I called and signed up right away and I can't wait to see what opportunities arise from this. I'm especially excited about the photo-screen printing on offer, I'd love a print Gocco (wouldn't we all?) but can't find one in the UK with an adequate source of supplies since they recently discontinued the entire line. So all in all, a good day actually - I'm super-excited about the new printing class and can't wait to get my hands dirty! 

In the meantime why not check my Flickr for pics of my latest completed project - the Seaside bathroom cabinet! 

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